
Hydrotherapy, or oceanic treatment, includes performing practices in warm water.

In a hydrotherapy meeting, patients participate in practices that further develop strength, adaptability, and scope of movement. The opposition of the water gives a delicate however powerful exercise for the muscles without putting weight on the joints. These activities are intended to keep up with or work on the adaptability of the joints, diminishing firmness and expanding the capacity to move without torment. For more details about psykolog kristiansand.

These pools are frequently furnished with jets that can give a kneading impact, assisting with lessening muscle pressure and advancing unwinding. Hydrotherapy is especially useful for people with extreme joint inflammation who find land-based practices excessively agonizing. The lightness of the water diminishes the effect on the joints, making it simpler and less difficult to move. The glow of the water likewise assists with loosening up muscles and increment dissemination, further reducing agony and firmness.


This method includes tenderly moving the joints through their normal scope of movement to diminish firmness and further develop adaptability. Joint activation is especially helpful for facilitating torment and expanding development in solid or enlarged joints. Get more details about fysioterapi kristiansand.


   Manual treatment includes active procedures that physiotherapists use to control the joints and delicate tissues. These procedures can assist with lessening torment, work on joint portability, and upgrade flow in the impacted regions.

Methods like back rub, myofascial delivery, and trigger point treatment can assist with diminishing muscle strain, decline irritation, and further develop blood stream, which can reduce torment and advance recuperating.



Physiotherapists frequently integrate these modalities into treatment intend to give help from agony and irritation.


Intensity and cold treatment are basic yet viable strategies for overseeing joint inflammation torment.


It is particularly compelling before exercise or manual treatment to set up the muscles and joints for development.

Cold treatment

Cold treatment is utilized to diminish aggravation and numb the agony in enlarged joints. Applying ice packs or cold packs to the impacted region can assist with diminishing enlarging and give quick relief from discomfort, particularly after active work. Delicate tissue activation centers around the muscles, ligaments, and tendons encompassing the joints. 

TENS is a usually utilized technique that includes applying little electrical flows to the skin close to the excruciating region. These flows help to obstruct torment signals from arriving at the mind and invigorate the arrival of endorphins, the body’s regular pain relievers.


Ultrasound treatment utilizes high-recurrence sound waves to produce heat profound inside the tissues, which can assist with diminishing agony and aggravation, further develop blood course, and advance tissue mending. It is frequently utilized for more profound joints like the hips and shoulders.